Technique, Methods, Health Benefits, Precaution in English
Badha padmasana is also called bhasmasana. In the position of this asana, the body is tied with both the hands and legs in this way as a rope is wrapped with any pole. Therefore, it is called badha padmasana. This asana is useful for the patients, healthy persons, yogis and all types of persons. Practice of this asana is done in many ways and it is used in many types of diseases and yogic activities.
Technique of Badha padmasana:
First technique:
Practice of this asana should be done in clean and airy environment. Spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and sit upon it in normal position for the practice of this asana. Now bend your right leg from the knee and put on the joint of left thigh. In the same way, bend left leg from the knee and put on joint of right thigh. After that, bring the left hand from the backside and hold the toe of right leg and bring the right hand from the backside and hold the toe of left leg. In this condition, a type of cross mark will make on the front by the calves and on the back by the hands. After coming in the position of badha padmasana, keep the body, spinal cord, chest, head and neck straight and tight. Keep the head stretched and eyes on the front. Now bring the chest out by taking breath and stretch the body upwards as much as you can. Put your eyes on the front part of the nose. Stay in this position according to capacity and keep on taking breath in the normal position. Repeat this activity by changing the position of the legs.
Second technique:
In this technique of badha padmasana, do not change the place, environment as well as the position of the hands and feet. Now bend your body downwards slowly and try to touch the floor with the help of head or nose by taking breath normally. After bending the body, stay in this position as much as yon can stay and return in normal position slowly. Practice of this asana can be done by changing the position of legs.
Do not show quickness while touching the head on the floor. Try to touch the head on the floor slowly.
This asana makes the digestive system strong. Therefore, according to yogis, it is also known by the name of bhasmasana. The whole body becomes stretched in this asana. By this stretching, there is a pressure on the stomach, chest, hands and feet. It makes the person strong and healthy. It reduces excessive fat of the stomach and obesity (fatness) and because of this reason the waist becomes thin, strong and beautiful. It is useful in breaking constipation and stomach disorders. The person, who has been suffering from retention of stool (constipation), should do this asana before going to evacuation. It brings the stool out clearly and the person does not take much time in the process of evacuation.
If pregnant women do the practice of this asana, many types of uterus disorders disappear. The wrinkle, looseness and softness, which occur after delivery, end by the practice of this asana and a woman does not become the victim stomach disorders and cold. By purifying the nerves with the help of pranayama, the practice of this asana is beneficial. The soul and flatus start to become one after the practice of this asana. The result of is that the mind becomes constant and happy and the body becomes light. Any person as yogi, lecher, patient and healthy person can do the practice of this asana.
Moving and stretching in new ways will help you be more flexible, providing greater range of motion to narrow areas. Over time, you can expect to gain flexibility in the hamstrings, back, shoulders and hips.