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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Dhanura Asana Posture: Practice Steps (Method) Health Benefits & Precautions in English

Technique, Methods, Health Benefits, Precaution in English
Technique Of The Asana:
For the practice of Dhanura Asana, spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and lie down on the stomach (on the bed sheet)For the practice of Dhanura Asana, spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and lie down on the stomach (on the bed sheet). Now keep both the hands sides by the body and leave the body nerves loose. After that, join your both the heels and tiptoes altogether by keeping a distance between the knees. Now raise your legs up slowly and bend towards the head and hold both the feet near the heels with the help of hands. Stretch your legs by giving pressure on the hands and try to raise the head, chest and thighs upwardly as much as you can. After that, keep your both hands straight. Stay in this position according to your capacity and stop your breath for sometime. After that, return in normal position by exhaling breath slowly.

For getting more benefits by the practice of this asana, lie down on the stomach and hold your feet while doing this asana. Now you can move your body in right and left direction and up and down side in this position. Besides it, by bringing the body in the position of chakra asana, you can do it by raising high one leg upwardly.

Practice of this postuer should be done after learning complete. Don’t do this postuer on empty stomach. The person, who suffers from high blood pressure, ulcer, hernia, waist pain and spinal cord pain, should not do practice of this postuer. Do this postuer in care of yoga teacher.

Second technique:
For the practice of this asana, sit on the floor and stretch both legs. Now keep your right leg straight and hold it by the left hand and raise your left leg up and touch to the chest and hold tiptoe of left leg with the right hand. Now inhale breath by keeping the body straight and try to touch the left leg to the right ear. After that, exhale after making the position of Ardhkamalasana. Stay in this position as much as you can.  Thereafter, return in normal position. Thus, do this activity by changing the positions of the legs.

Benefits in the diseases:
This is one of the four important asanas. This asana provides the benefits of Shalabh Asana and Bhujanga Asana. It makes the spinal cord flexible because of which a person remains youth for a long time. This asana makes the body joints strong and helps in the treatment of hernia. It is also useful in case of pain of waist and knees. This asana makes the neck, chest and lungs active and strong. It makes the shoulder strong and chest wide. It helps in reducing the stomach fat (obesity) and cures many types of stomach diseases. It is useful in increasing digestive system power and appetite. It ends breathing problems and increases breathing capacity. The person, who has been suffering from constipation and diabetes, should do the practice of this asana. It is also useful in the treatment of rheumatism, indigestion, anorexia, liver weakness and all types of disorders of the intestines, throat, chest and ribs. It makes the blood circulation fast and purifies the blood too.
It is also useful in women diseases. This asana ends the wrinkles appeared on the stomach after delivery. The practice of this asana helps in the treatment of disorders of menses, uterus and ovum glands.

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