This asana is called ‘Shirsha Pada Asana’ too. The hands and legs of a person are wrapped like a rope in this asana, so it is called Sankata Asana. There are two techniques for the practice of this asana.
First technique:
Stand straight for the practice of this asana. Keep your body, head, hands and neck straight too. Now keep your left leg straight by stretching and wrap the right leg on the left leg like a rope (bring the right leg in the right side by turning from the left side of the left leg). Now raise both the hands up and wrap them like a rope too. After that, bring tensity in the body by pulling hands upwardly by balancing the body. Breathing activity should be kept normal. Stay in this position as much as you can stay and return in normal position. Repeat this activity by changing the legs but hands should not be changed and keep them in wrapped position like before.
Second technique:
The practice of this asana should be done after the practice of first technique. First, stand straight for the practice of this asana, and keep your head, neck and back straight. Now keep your left leg straight and wrap right leg upon it like rope. After that, bend the left leg from the knee slowly and give pressure of the whole body on the left leg and sit as someone sits on the chair. Now extend your hands forwards and join both the palms like the position of prayer. Breathing activity (inhaling and exhaling) should be kept normal. Stay in this position for sometimes and return in normal position. In the same way, do the practice of this asana by changing the legs. This asana should be repeated 5 times by changing the legs and keep the hands position like before.
The practice of both these types of asana makes the spinal cord and muscles of the arms and legs strong and powerful. It ends legs fatigue and stops backache. It breaks the stones and cures hernia. This asana helps in reducing the fat gathered near about the hips and makes the waist thin and beautiful. It makes the hands, legs, thighs and knees healthy, strong and powerful. This asana is useful to end the shivering of the thighs, hands and feet, and reduces weakness too. It reduces the fat of the thighs and calves and makes strong to them. This asana is very useful for the dancers.
Balance has great importance in the practice of both these types of asana. The person feels difficulty in the beginning of the practice of this asana. Do the practice of this asana in the supervision of yoga teacher.
The serotonin (5-HT) is a neurotransmitter that is derived from an amino acid called tryptophan . Send messages within the brain and through the nervous system, and participate in many processes such as regulating mood or appetite. In addition, one of its main tasks is to increase the production of melatonin , a hormone that regulates sleep cycles .
ReplyDeleteTo achieve a peaceful rest, serotonin also intervenes in the control of stress and body temperature . “The practice of yoga increases serotonin levels so it helps you sleep better,” explains Dr. Murali Doraiswam, author of a Duke University study that included the review of more than 100 research papers on yoga.s