Today, there are several health related websites which provide huge information about the health. People can get health related information by going on these websites. Mostly, websites provide this kind of information in English language. In this condition, people who have no or little knowledge about English face big difficulty in getting such information. For the solution of such people, we have made a health website named Health related information is available in English Language at this website. We will provide this health information in multi languages in near future so that all the people may get benefit from this website.
Providing health related all information free of cost is the main of our site. Information available at this site has been taken from ancient ayurvedic granthas. We have done our best to present it correct and in easy language, but if you find any kind of defect here, you can inform us through mail or by going in contact us. You are requested to send suggestions.
Our privacies:
This site has been prepared to provide health information but if you have been suffering from any chronic disease, you should contact to a specialist for the treatment of disease.
Several formulae and huge information have been given at this site which produces different kinds of influences according to time, nature and patient. So, adopt any formula in the supervision of any specialist.
Sex information is also available at this site. If you have any objection, you are requested not to read such articles.
New researches are being done in medical science in this modern age and new information is being added in medical science everyday. So, the information provided by us can be incomplete. In this case, we will not be responsible.
You can give the link of any article of our site at your site. You have no need to take any kind of permission for it.
Our site does not recommend about any doctor, medical institution, hospital, etc.
We are taking the support of advertisements to run our site which has no relation to the health related information. We are not referring to any advertisement for the health. Our site will not be responsible for any advertisement.
We prepared the matter of our site by studying and collecting from the old Granthas of India and tried our best to provide right information. Even after it, there is any print or any other kind of mistake in our matter; we will not be responsible for it.
If any person makes his identity through our website or misuses it, we will not be responsible for it.
If you use our website and you get wrong, impure information here, you are requested to inform us or write in Contact Us about it. We will be thankful to you for it and we will try improving such information.
We have copyright of our site’s contains. So, don’t try to use our contains in any form as publishing, websites, blogs, books, template etc.