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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pashchimottana Asana Pose: Practice Steps (Method) Health Benefits & Precautions in English

This asana has been considered one in all the essential asanas. This asana comes after . This asana affects the back part of the body during the practice of this asana. Therefore, it is called Paschimottana Asana. This asana makes the spinal cord flexible, which provides benefit in the awakening of Kundilini. According to spiritual point of view, this asana is very important.

Spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and do the practice of this asana. Lie down on the back (on the mat) and extend both the legs. Join your legs altogether and keep the body straight. Now keep your hands on the floor towards the head.
Raise both your hands upward and raise your upper part of the waist with jerk. After that, try to hold your toes with the hands slowly. Keep the legs and hands straight while doing it and don’t bend the knees. If you feel problem in sitting this position by lying and rising with jerk, do the practice of this asana in sitting. For it, sit on the mat and extend your legs forward and hold your toes of both feet with the hands.
Keep the hands and legs straight at the time of practice of this asana. If you are not able in holding the toe in the beginning, extend your hands as much as you can extend. After that, try to hold the toes with the help of hands by reducing the distance slowly. When you get success in holding the toes, bring your head between the hands and try to touch your nose on the knees slowly.
Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds by holding the toes. After that, leave the toes and keep the hands on the legs and pull the backward slowly. In this process, both hands should remain in the contact of both legs. Take rest of 10 seconds after this asana one time and repeat this activity again. This asana should be done 3 times. Breathing activity should remain normal.

You can feel problem in touching the toes with hands and nose to the knees in the beginning. Don’t try forcibly to do so and try to complete this asana slowly. This asana can be done by lying or sitting. Do this asana on empty stomach and don’t do with jerk. The person, who has been suffering from liver or spleen enlargement, intestines swelling or appendicitis or stomach disorders, should not do the practice of this asana. The person, who has been suffering from chronic constipation, should do the practice of this asana for 2-3 minutes because Uddiyan Bandh is necessary after doing the practice of this asana for long time.

Concentrate on the muscles or breathing process after completing the practice of this asana. Concentrate on the Swadhishthan for getting spiritual benefits. Swadhishathan chakra is present near the navel.

The air of the body works properly after the practice of this asana and there is an improvement in the spiritual development. This asana reduces mental and physical tension. This asana is a favorite asana of God Shankar. The mind remains happy and calm by this asana. The person, who has been suffering from excessive anger, should do the practice of this asana. It makes the blood circulation normal because of which the weakness of the body disappears and the body becomes strong, energetic and the person lives healthy always. A person gets rid of dwarfism by the practice of this asana.
This asana makes the spinal cord strong and flexible because of which the person remains a straight position even in old age and there is no curvature in his spinal cord. It cures all types of disorders of spinal cord as- waist pain, stomachache, liver disorders, spleen enlargement, intestines disorders and kidneys disorders. The practice of this asana reduces body fat and cures obesity. It cures diabetes and makes the hip fat and strong. It helps in reducing fat gathered near about the stomach and cures piles. It makes thin and strong to the thick waist. This asana reduces white hair and makes black and thick to them. It is helpful in the treatment of kidneys stone and diabetes mellitus, which occurs due to pancreas. It breaks constipation and helps in clearing the stomach after evacuation of stool. This asana is also useful in cold, catarrh, cough, asthma, bronchitis, spermtorrhoea, hoarseness, rheumatism, indigestion, constipation and pain of the waist, thighs and calves. This asana is also useful in case of collapsing stage of navel.
This asana is useful for the women too. The practice of this asana cures all the disorders of the vagina, menstrual excretion and leucorrhoea. This asana fits the nervous system of the body related to uterus.

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