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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Gomukh Asana: Technique Benefits & Precaution Tips in English

Gomukh Asana:
The person position becomes like the face of a cow face after coming in the position of this asana. Therefore, it is called Gomukh Asana. According to spiritual point of view, this asana is very important and it is used in self-study, enchanting and worshipping. This asana is useful for the health very much.

Technique of Gomukh Asana:
Sit on the mat and bend your left leg from the knee, and bring out under the right leg, keep the heel close to the hips. Now put right leg upon the left leg and put your heel close to the hips. After that, bend your left hand from the elbow and bring behind from the side of waist, and bend your right hand from the elbow and bring behind from the head side from upper the shoulders. Interlock fingers of both the hands with each other like hook. Keep the head and spinal cord in a line and the chest should be straight. Stay in this position for 2 minutes after coming in this position completely. After that, repeat this activity by changing the position of the hands and feet too. Take rest for 2 minutes after the practice and repeat it. This asana should be done 4-4 times from each side.

Important tips:
In this asana, the person should pay attention on the speed of consciousness waves of the backbone and breathing activity.

This asana is useful in the treatment of all types of lungs disorders and cleans the holes (which pass the air) of the lungs too. It makes the chest broad and strong. It also makes the knee, shoulder, thighs, elbow, waist, ankle, hand and feet strong and powerful. This asana develops the body and increases freshness and energy. This person, who has been suffering from asthma and tuberculosis, must practice of this asana. It is useful in the treatment of waist pain, vatta disorders, shoulderds’ spasm, indigestion, hernia, intestinal disorders, testicles disorders, spermtorrhoea, anuria-dysuria, rheumatism, diabetes, sperm deficiency, nightfall and sperm disorders etc. It brings out blocked poisonous elements from the kidneys and helps in urination clearly. The person, who has been suffering from knees’ pain or kidneys disorders, must practice of this asana.
The practice of this asana is very beneficial for such women who have undeveloped breast or small breast because of any reason. This asana increases the beauty of breast of the women. This asana is also useful in case of leucorrhoea.

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