Parts of Yoga - Introduction
Meditation -
Maharshi pantajali considers that dhyana is the seventh part of the Yoga. Dhyana is that activity of yoga in which the person meditates to know about his existence, nature and divine existence. The person joins his mind and soul with God in the practice of meditation. He can search peace and uptake, which exist in the person, by stabling the mind thoughts.
Giving the description of the meditation activity, it has been said, as electric power is gathered in the transformer and it is used according to need in the same way mind thoughts (which originate in the mind by the meditation) are gathered and used in contemplation or reflection according to desire. Subjugating the mind by the meditation increases the mental power and inner consciousness. The will power develops in a person by the regular practice of meditation.
It has been written in the book of swami Vishnu devananda that Practice of meditation is not easy, and patience, strength and self-confidence are necessary for this. They described that as time is necessary in becoming tree and get fruit after planting that in the same way time and self-confidence are necessary for the complete peace in meditation. The peace (which gets by the meditation) is present in whole individuality of the person. Therefore, its result is certain but patience and self-confidence are necessary.
The mind is made constant and concentrated by dharana and pratyahara. Using this stability of the mind in right direction is the first and last aim of the practice of meditation. The person can get complete knowledge in understanding freedom and specialty of the life by the meditation. Getting knowledge of the life by the meditation is not getting knowledge of any subject, thing or person in fact it affects the person towards the artificial effects from objectively.
The perso, who has been suffering from mental depression occurred due to competitions in efforts are done to abasing each other, impact of fear and a person who is cheated by other people daily become the victim of restlessness easily. Such types of people are compelled to live according to artificial life by the society. However, the persons, who use their knowledge (after separating from common life) to know who I am? What I want? They use their knowledge to know the answer of such types of questions resulting of this; they learn to become truth towards self soon after becoming free from artificial life of this world. Thus, the person gets salvation from the greed of the worldly things due to awareness by the practice of meditation.
It is true that when problems come on a person, he searches solutions of these problems as the time passes. Thus, the person can change his mental activities and he can bring different types of changes in himself. For it, first, it is necessary to know, what is his real form in the coordination of superimposed images? He has to take judgment on that base what problems he can solve. When he geta this type of self-confidence, he will feel that useless hard work is vain. The feeling of internal peace originates in place of indecisive reflection in it.
The practice of asana is easy than the concentration. Thoughts of the mind are concentrated at one place in the concentration whereas in the practice of meditation, mind thoughts are centered for the contemplation and reflection around in the mind instead of concentrating the thoughts at single point, but in such condition, the person has to watch that no thought should be separate from real thoughts. Sometimes, yogi practices concentration in the meditation to stop wandering of thoughts.
In such condition, the mind is concentrated on any part of the body. In the practice of meditation, thoughts and emotions of the mind should be concentrated on the place of their origin. Keep calm anxiety, nervous system in the practice of meditation. Patience and self-confidence should be kept in self for mediation of real subjects. In the practice of meditation, remain far from all the worries and other negative thoughts (which originate in the mind) because it can break the meditation.
Self-knowledge, which is got by the practice of meditation regularly, keeps on sustaining the self-confidence and then that self-knowledge is helpful in society development. By the practice of meditation, the human gets knowledge to know the worldly subtlety, by this knowledge, importance of social is known. On the base of this subtle knowledge, he looks the world all around with depth and he accepts hard truths.
This knowledge helps in understanding about the goodness and badness of the world and the person stops the origin of the emotions of any type of defeat in the mind due to this knowledge. The person, who practices meditation, has not jealousy or feelings of revenge in the mind. Such types of emotions originate in the mind on that time, when he has weakness, fear and lack of self-confidence in the mind.
Originating any type of inferiority complex in a person is the cause of physical and mental disorders. By the practice of meditation such type of power originates in the person that he can finish his internal disorders by feeling his internal power instead of bad thoughts (which originate in the mind). The person can remove all the mental and physical problems while balancing the life due to power and knowledge (which get by the meditation practice). Therefore, meditation practice is necessary for the self-knowledge of the human and it is also the base to live a pleasure life.
Kinds of meditation according to different granthas -
The description of two kinds of meditation has been given in literature related to yoga.
1. saguan dhyan
2. nirgun dhyan
Three kinds of the mediation have been described while giving description of meditation in Gheranda Sanhita, -
1. Bulky meditation
2. Refulgent meditation
3. Subtle meditation
Four kinds of meditation have been given in the description of meditation in Bhakti Sagara, -
1. Padasth meditation
2. Pindsth meditation
3. Roopasth meditation
4. Roopteet meditation
Asana for the meditation-
The practice of meditation can be done in sitting position of sidhdasana, padhamasana, sukhasana, upadasana etc. If the person feels difficulty while doing the practice of meditation in asana, he can use the chair for the practice.
Samadhi -
Samadhi is the last form of the yoga activity. The person goes in the Samadhi after the practice of asana, prananama, pratyahara, dharana and meditation. According to yogis, last stage of the meditation is Samadhi. When a person merges in his inner soul in this way after the practice of meditation that he has no knowledge of external world, this condition is Samadhi condition viz. deep meditation is called Samadhi.
The person forgets the sensation of touch, humour, fragrance, word, appetite, thirst, cold, hot, respect- insult and joy-sorrow after merging in the Samadhi. When the person goes in the condition of sleep or senselessness condition while doing the practice of meditation but his mind and brain keep on doing their work, this condition is called conscious condition in the person viz. this condition is called Samadhi. The person has only one object in the Samadhi, and meditation, mediator and aim combine become one.
In reality, when a person reaches in the Samadhi condition after the practice of all the activities of yoga, he forgets his body, breath, mind, brain and self. When contemplation-reflection is done on the bulky thing in Samadhi, it is called Nirvitarka Samadhi. When this contemplation and reflection is done on any subtle thing, it is called Nirvichara Samadhi. Thus, the practice of eight parts of the yoga ends all the disorders of the mind and body because and the mind and soul of the person become pure after disappearing all the disorders.
Any weapon cannot cut the person, who merges in the Samadhi and any worldly thing cannot give any type of harm to him. In Samadhi, the mind of the person merges in such types of pleasure and peace in the inner soul and divine knowledge, where his mind and soul keeps on shining in the meditation of God by joining with the pragya (uptake), holiness and true emotions. The person’s soul meets with the God in the practice of Samadhi and he gets salvation.
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For developing minds, meditation can be of great help, and even more so than in adults. Lately there has been a great interest on the part of educators and researchers in bringing meditation and yoga to schools. Many schools have recently implemented these practices within their daily schedules and have seen that grades and attendance have increased. Thus it has also been proven that there are cognitive and emotional benefits for children.
ReplyDeleteMeditation can reverse patterns in the brain that contribute to easy distraction, worry or lack of attention, so it is extremely effective with children.
A study by UCLA found that people who practice meditation in the long run , have "less old" brains than people of the same age who do not. Participants who have meditated for more than 20 years have more gray matter volume. "We expected the difference to be minimal," said Florian Kurth, author of the study, "however, we observed a wide range of effects of meditation on different areas of the entire brain," he added.