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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Kukkuta Asana Posture: Practice Steps (Method) Health Benefits & Precautions in English

Technique, Methods, Health Benefits, Precaution in English
The body shape becomes like a cock during the practice of this asana, so it is called Kukkuta Asana. Kukkuta means murga (cock) in Sanskrit language.

Spread a mat on the floor and sit upon it for the practice of this asana. Now bend your knee of the right leg and put on the left thigh. After that, bring out both the hands (the portion of the elbows) between both the thighs and calves. Now, keep both the palms on the floor and give pressure of the whole body weight on them and raise the body up as much as you can. After raising the body, stay in this position for 15-30 seconds and return in normal position. You can stay for 2 minutes in this position.

The practice of this asana makes the arms, elbow, shoulders and hands strong. It makes the whole body and chest strong and powerful. It ends the curvature of the hands and increases fat on the chest. This asana is also very useful in the laziness and fatigue. It ends hand and feet shivering and it is useful in increasing appetite. This asana is useful for both persons male and female. It is useful in the treatment of backache, shoulders, waist and hands. This asana reduces the fat of the stomach and hips and makes beautiful to them.

1 comment:

  1. American researchers from the Harvard University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts General Hospital have shown, after a study, that yoga and meditation increase the size of telomeres , structures that are located at the ends of chromosomes and which are directly related to aging, the development of certain pathologies and even premature death.

    The study concludes that there seems to be a positive correlation between healthy and large telomeres, and the increase in longevity, the prevention of degenerative diseases and the health of people. Doing yoga only 15 minutes a day is enough to produce biochemical changes in the brain and neurons .
