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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Bhujanga Asana (Sarpa Asana) - Technique Benefits & Precaution Tips in English

This asana is also known by the names as ‘sarpasan’ and ‘sarpamudra’, because the body shape becomes like a snake in this asana. This asana is useful for both male and female. A person gets physical and autobiographical benefit from thie practice of this asana. In ‘Hathyog’ and Gherand Sanhita, this asana has been considered the means of doing kundlini jagran. Every person viz children, old people, youth persons and healthy person can do the practice of this asana. The practice of this asana keeps the body healthy and provides rest in many types of diseases. The practice of this asana should be done in clean and airy environment by spreading the mat or bed sheet on the floor. The person, who cannot do the practice of dhanura asana, can get benefit of dhanur asana from this asana.
For the practice of Bhujanga asana, spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and lie down on the stomach (on the mat) and stretch legs straightly by meeting them properly. Now keep the feet soles upwards and toes of both feet should be in joint position. After that, bend both hands from the elbow and put on the floor near the chest. After coming in this position of asana, take deep breath and raise high head and then neck, chest and stomach slowly. Keep one thing in the brain that the body from navel to the head only should be raised in upward position and the lower portion below the navel from naval to toes of feet should be remain in the contact of floor normally. Try to raise head in the back side as much as it is possible by stretching the neck.

Keep your eyesight upwards. This asana is considered complete when the upper portion of your waist viz head, neck and chest will raise high like the mouth of snake and you will feel too much pressure on the joint of waist, hips and lower portion of the back. Stop your breath for 2-3 seconds while looking towards the sky in this position. If you are not able in stopping breath, keep on taking breath normally. After that, loose your body by touching first upper portion of the naval then chest and then forehead and left cheek with the floor. Take rest for sometime and repeat this activity again. In this way, do bhujanga asana three times first and five times after the practice.
First, bring the head backwardly and stop for two-three seconds in this asana and stop for 10-15 minutes after its practice. You will feel difficulty in the practice of this asana in the beginning days, but when you have no problem in doing this asana, you should try to raise the body without taking the support of palms. In this activity, take breath while raising head upwards and exhale while bringing the head downwards.

The person should concentrate on the vishudha chakra and back or stomach or breathing in this asana.

The patient of hernia and pregnant woman should not do the practice of this asana. Besides it, the patient, who has been suffering from stomach sores, testicles enlargement, disorders of spinal cord, ulcer and colitis, should not do the practice of this asana. Do this asana carefully and don’t make hast while bringing the head in the back side in this asana. A person feels no problem if he does its practice regularly.

Spasm of the spinal cord disappears by the practice of this asana. This asana is useful in the treatment of all types of disorders of the back and chest. This asana brings no harm in the veins and muscles and ends any type of bendiness of the spinal cord too. If any bone of the spinal cord or vertebrae misplaces, the patient should do practice of bhujanga asana because it helps in bringing misplaced bone in normal position. This asana makes the waist thin, strong and beautiful if the waist is bulgy. It also makes the chest wide and increases the height. It helps in reducing obesity (fatness) too. It is also useful to end fatigue. This asana makes the body beautiful and increases body glow. The person becomes fearless, strong and energetic by this asana. It is also useful in developing knowledge sense fibers and nervous system.
This asana makes the back, chest, shoulder, neck and muscles of the hand and feet strong. It is also useful in reducing and ending the pain of the waist (slip disk) neck, spinal cord and back. This asana makes the tonsil and throat strong and is useful in case of scrofula and colic pain too. A person gets rid of migraine by this asana.
Bhujanga asana ends lungs’ disorders and keeps the stomach veins healthy. This asana makes the cells (which passes the air from the lungs) neat and clean and lungs strong. This asana is useful in the treatment of bladder disorders and liver disorders. It makes the heart strong and is useful in heart problems. This asana keeps the body far from such diseases as cough, asthma, bronchitis and euosinofiliya etc. This asana cures such diseases in beginning.
The practice of bhujanga asana makes the stomach muscles and intestines strong. It is also useful in the treatment of stomach disorders as constipation, gas trouble, intestines disorders, indigestion and anorexia.
The person (male or female) can make chest or breast broad. This asana is useful in the disorder of nightfall and sperm disorders too.

Benefits in female diseases by the Bhujanga asana:
It is considered that this asana is very useful for women. It is useful in irregular menses, dysmenorrhoea and leucorrhoea. It cures many types of disorders of the uterus and internal reproductive organs. The practice of this asana provides long puberty and beauty of young age.

This asana should be done for 6 to 8 seconds by bringing the head, neck and chest at the back side in the beginning of this asana. Stop your breath as much as you can stop after the complete practice of this asana and remain in this position for that time. Thereafter, return in the normal position while exhaling.

The spinal cord becomes flexible by this asana and it strengthens the neck, chest, mouth and head. If any type of curvature occurs in the spinal cord, this asana cures spinal cord without giving any harm to the veins and muscles. If any vertebrae of spinal cord misplaces from its place, bhujanga asana helps in bringing it in normal position. This asana is useful for Shankh Prakshalan activity. It reduces fat of the stomach and ends obesity (fatness) and makes the waist thin and increases height. It makes the body beautiful and strong and is useful in increasing the glow of face. It makes the blood circulation fast and increases appetite and makes external parts of the body active. 
The practice of this asana makes the person fearless, strong and powerful. This asana also helps in developing to the knowledge sense fibers.
Asthma and breathing problems disappears by the practice of this asana. This asana is useful in the treatment of pain of the neck, back, waist and migraine and all the diseases of the stomach too. Scrofula and colic pain do not occur by the practice of bhujanga asana and makes the tonsil and throat glands strong, which help in the treatment of disorders. The practice of this asana is useful in breaking the constipation, gas trouble, sperm disorders, indigestion, dyspepsia and all the disorders of the bladder, liver, heart and kidneys. 
Asthma, cough, bronchitis and snophiliya and disorders do not occur by the practice of this asana. It cleans the hole (which passes air from the lungs) and purifies the blood.
This asana is useful for all the males and females in all age group. This asana treats leucorrhoea, irregular menses and other disorders of menses and makes menstrual excretion normal. It makes the reproductive organs and uterus of the women strong and increases beauty of the women too.

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