Rules of Yoga - 1
Rule -
There are some rules related to conduct in the practive of yoga. Following these rules is the base of getting success of yoga activity. Maharshi Pantajali has described nine rules of other granthas along with five own rules in his yoga grantha.
1. Shouch (evacuation of urine and stool)
2. Santosh (satisfaction)
3. Tapasa
4. Swadhayaya (self-study)
5. Eshwer pranidhana (under the grip of God)
6. Taap (penance)
7. Aastikata (belief in God)
8. Dana (donation)
9. Sidhanta vakayo ka (doctrine of sentences)
10. Budhi (wisdom)
11. Eswer pujana (God worship)
12. Lajja (modesty)
13. Japa
14. hawan
1. Sauch (evacuation)-
The body and mind should be clean for the practice of yoga. Keeping the body clean internally and externally is evacuation (shauch). There are two kinds of shauch activities as- external cleanliness and internal cleanliness.
To keep the body clean and pure, going for evacuation of stool daily, washing hands and mouth, taking bath, wearing clean clothes and eating nutritive and clean foodstuffs are external cleanliness.
Internal cleanliness means keeping the mind and thoughts clean and fresh. To make the mind and thoughts pure and clean, a person should worship and read religious books, assume pure thoughts in the mind and take good knowledge from the good person, saints and gurus.
As keeping the body neat and clean daily is essential for good health similarly, keeping the brain neat and clean is also essential. To make mind the pure, the mind should be kept away from hate, anger, passion, greed, illusion and ego. Practice of asana and prayanama brings out impure substances from the body and makes the mind pure and clean.
It provides physical strength along with cleanliness. It ends the bad thoughts of the mind that occur in the mind, and makes the mind pure and fresh. To make pure mind, someone should worship and read religious books. Devotion can destroy the impurity of the mind and the intellectual can be made pure and fresh by self-study.
This refinement of the body, mind and brain produces goodwill condition because of this reason a person becomes free from mental problems, despondency, sadness and frustration and he feels satisfaction and joy. After making the body and mind pure, the person can subjugate his senses by focusing the mind on any matter.
The food is a basic need of the body and taking appropriate food is very needful for keeping the body and mind healthy. The person should keep knowledge about the making method, utility etc. of the food because it is needful. The person should take such kinds of foodstuffs, which are easy in digestion, and there is no kind of harm to body by its use.
The person should take vegetarian meals for spiritual development and meditation. The food is taken to get vitality, strength, and bodily growth and it makes the body strong again. Therefore, normal, nutritive and juicy food and protein, vitamin, minerals, carbohydrate rich in nutritive substance always should be taken.
The person should avoid sour, bitter, salty, spicy, heavy and polluted foodstuffs. Besides these foodstuffs, the environment is important for the motive of spiritual activities and treatment. Practice place should be neat, clean, airy and dry. There should be no insects and sound pollution should near the place of yoga.
2. Santosha (contentment)-
Self-satisfaction should be present in the mind of human being at the time of yoga practice because it is necessary. Feeling of greed present in the mind produces problems during meditation. Therefore, a person should stay satisfied in his things. He should not do wrong deeds to get many things. He should has complete belief and devotion in God. Mostly, feelings of discontent originate in the human mind by observing the wealth, happiness and prosperity of the other persons. These feelings become the cause of reciprocal disagreement and quarrel. In this condition, the mind is not concentrated and a person feels difficulty while getting successes in the yoga practice too. Mental peace is broken due to discontent and because of this cause restlessness, falseness and unhappiness originate in the mind. Therefore, satisfaction of the mind is necessary.
3. Tapasa-
The character building and it development are called tapasa. Its reason is that the human being can finish all types of problems by their internal controlling power. For it, real try of merge in God is very necessary besides the self-purity and sobriety. There are three kinds of tapasa and they can be joined with body, mind and language. Brahamacharya and non-violence are physical tapasa. Not using shameful words for someone, singing devotional song and speaking only truth without tension is known as vani tapasa. Acceptance of the joy and sorrow, which are found in the world, is called mansika tapasa. After assuming mansika tapasa, a person does not loss self-control. Having no desire of success in the mind at the time of doing work is the doctrine of tapasa. It develops the body, mind, and character of human being.
4. Swadhayaya- (self-study)-
Swadhayaya means self-study. Study is useful in bringing out the internal best appearance of the person and the person gets knowledge of his duty. In Swadhayaya, the person is both speaker and listener.
The heart and the mind of the person (who follows swadhayaya) are filled with love and respect. Good thoughts originate in such type of person, which turn into one part of life by mixing in the flow of blood. It changes the point of view of the person by it and he begins to consider that the whole is holy.
According to Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Swadhayaya is self-study and it is the base of all subjects upon which other subjects rest. However, the person himself does not take rest on anything.
Study healthy and holy literature because it is necessary to pass peaceful, healthy and spiritual life. It ends ignorance and feeling of the disbelief. Such type of person, who follows the rule of swadhyaya, joins to himself with God.
5. Eshwer pranidhan- (God is the wealth of creature)-
Offering all the desires, lusts and deeds before God is called eshwer pranidhana. The person, who believes in the God and considers that this complete world is the gift of God and such person remains far from problems and ego.
He bows his head only in adoration. Our senses become happy by greed and affection, and feel sadness after originating any type of obstruction in this process. However, the person, who studies shastras, remains far from such desires, which because of his knowledge.
Controlling mind is difficult but you can control it in the condition of full consciousness. For this, extra sources are essential and they can be achieved only from God. For it, the person has to go in the shelter of God with honesty and faith.
This is the condition, when worship starts, the person prays by offering his mind, brain and desires before God with mildly. The soul of a person develops completely due to the origin of such feeling of love and reverence in the mind.
A type of fear remains in the mind due to the presence of any longing whether the stability of the mind will remain continued or not. The person gets complete supernatural knowledge when the mind merge in the meditation, if there is no fear in the mind. Thus, feelings of worship carry the person towards the right side of knowledge and behavior, because God name ends darkness and spreads the light like sun.
When a person faces the divine light during meditation, the life of the person becomes refulgent. There are other rules too in the rules of yoga as asceticism, belief in God, charity, worship of God, japa (repetition of the name of prayer to a deity) and penance.
6. Asceticism-
Regular practice for achieving the aim is called asceticism. Forwarding towards aim by bearing joy and sorrow, respect and disrespect, disease and healthiness is asceticism. Thus, achieving your aim at the time of following traditions of the world is asceticism.
Kayendriya sidira suddhi kshayanta yasah
Viz effect of the asceticism ends impurity.
7. Theism -
Having belief in god viz supernatural power is theism. When the belief of a person becomes very deep towards God during the period of worship (Sadhana), he does not think about anybody except God. The person, who keeps this type of reverence and belief towards God, can win the life and death too.
Atadwi mukti sopanmetatkalasya vajvanama
Yudha ya vratam manobhoga, dasa katam parmatmani
Viz, when the mind of person merges in the worship of God by removing from the worldly objects, he gets victory on the life and death and finally he gets salvation. Only feelings of theism provide great result and power of the world. Theism is the basis of the development of soul.
8. Charity-
Charity means giving. Giving own things to other person is charity. Description of three types of charities has been given in the ‘Geeta’.
Sattvika donation-
Data vyamiti yadwanam diyate nupa karina
Deshe kale cha patre cha tadwanam satika samritama
Viz. the charity, which is given to the country and deserving one and to the person, who does not give charity, is called satvik (simple) charity.
Tamasa donation-
Aadesha kale yadwanam patre bhyashrecha diyate
Asatkrata gyana tattama samudaya tama
Viz. the charity, which is given towards country, period and undeserving ones without hospitality or respect viz with misconduct, is known by the name of tamasa (anger) charity.
Rajasa donation-
Yata pratyuya karartha fala muddidshya va punah
Diyate cha parikilishta tadadana rajasa smritam
Viz. the charity, which is given by heart without keeping any desire by the donation, is called rajasa (kingly) donation.
Therefore, a person should bestow anything to someone by giving up anger and desire of benefits from the mind.
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