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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Prarthana Asana: Technique Steps Method, Health Benefits & Precaution in English

Spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and sit upon it for the practice of this asana. Now bring both the legs forward and keep the heels and tiptoes altogether as hands are joined for the prayer. After that, join your hands to make the position of Namaskar. Now put both the elbows on the thighs and raise the palms up and touch the chin with the fingers. After that, take deep breath and exhale slowly. Do this activity for 5-10 minutes.

This asana is useful for both male and female viz both male and female can do the practice of this asana. The practice of this asana makes all the body parts strong and energy and strength circulate in the body.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga practitioners improve concentration, coordination, reaction time, memory, learning and show greater ability to solve problems according to a study by Neha Gothe, a professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. According to his research, published in The Journal of Physical Activity and Health , 20 minutes of yoga a day are more beneficial at a cognitive level than a session of intense physical activity.
