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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Koorma Asana: Technique Steps, Health Benefits & Precaution in English

This asana is also called ‘Kachchhapa Asana’. The person contracts his hands and feet like tortoise in this asana, so it is called Koorma Asana. Koorma means tortoise. This asana can be done by many techniques. This asana makes the mind and senses constant. It is also helpful in the awakening of Kundlini power.
This asana is also called ‘Kachchhapa Asana’. The person contracts his hands and feet like tortoise in this asana, so it is called Koorma Asana. Koorma means tortoise. This asana can be done by many techniques. There are two techniques for the practice of this asana: -

First technique:
Practice of this asana should be done on a clean and calm place. Spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and sit upon it. Now bend your legs from knees and bring in the back side by touching to the hip and keep the heels separate and tiptoes altogether. Thereafter, sit on the tiptoes. After that, put the thumb between the fingers and make the position of fist. Keep the fist up. Bend your hands from the elbows and keep near the navel. Now bend your body and head forwardly in a slow speed while exhaling. Bend your trunk and head forwardly until the chest comes in the contact of hand. The body should remain in balance while doing so. Stay in this position for sometime and return in normal position by inhaling. Repeat it 3 times.

Second technique:
Spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and sit upon it for the practice of this asana. Now bend your legs from the knees and bring in the back side. Keep the tiptoes on the floor and the heels should be up and join the knees altogether and keep on the floor. Only knees and tiptoes should remain in the contact of the floor in this position. After that, make fist by the hands fingers and put on the knees. Now take breath and bend your head downwards and keep on the fists. Stay in this position as much as you can by stopping breath and bring the head in normal position by exhaling.

Ardhada koorma asana:
ficulty in the complete Koorma Asana, do the practice of Ardhada Koorma Asana in the beginning. Spread a mat on the floor and sit upon it for the practice. If you feel difficulty in the complete Koorma Asana, do the practice of Ardhada Koorma Asana in the beginning. Spread a mat on the floor and sit upon it for the practice. Now bend your legs from the knees and bring them at the backside. Now, keep the knees on the floor and make a distance between the heels, and sit upon the tiptoes by joining them. Join both the hands together and make the position of prayer and bring them up. Now bend your upper portion of the waist slowly while inhaling and keep the head on the floor by bringing it between both the hands and hands also should be kept on the floor. Stay in this position for sometime and return in normal position while exhaling. Repeat this activity for 6-10 times.

The person, who has been suffering from waist pain and neck pain, should not do the practice of this asana.

The person should concentrate on the lower joints of the spinal cord and he should try to pull vital power upwardly.

The mind and senses become concentrated by the practice of this asana and it is useful in awakening the Kundlini power. It makes the bones of spinal cord strong and ends pain of the knees. This asana makes the shoulder, elbow, thighs and knees strong. There is pressure on the stomach in this asana because of which all disorders of the stomach disappear. It eliminates gas from the stomach and cures constipation, indigestion, diabetes and urinary problems. It checks the disorders of the lungs, heart and kidneys and makes strong to them. This asana makes the small intestines and stomach energetic and active. The person, who has been suffering from weakness of the hand and feet, should do the practice of this asana because it is beneficial. It ends the sensation of too much cold. The regular practice of asana is useful in the treatment of hernia and retention of urine. This asana purifies the body parts and develops them. It reduces the fat gathered near about the stomach and cures obesity (fatness). Surya chakra is present in the navel of a person, which is awaken by this asana consequently warmth originates in the body. Therefore, the practice of this asana provides much benefit in winter season.

1 comment:

  1. El estilo de vida de las sociedades occidentales puede llevar a muchas personas a padecer estrés, causando problemas de salud psicológica como depresión, ansiedad, etc. Un estudio de Thirthalli y Naveen (2013) demuestra que el tratamiento con yoga reduce los niveles de cortisol, una hormona que se libera en respuesta al estrés.

    El cortisol es necesario para el cuerpo ya que regula y moviliza la energía en situaciones estresantes, pero si tenemos demasiado o aumenta en situaciones que no lo necesitamos, produce muchos efectos secundarios. Practicando yoga podemos bajar los niveles de esta hormona, y por tanto, reducir el estrés.
