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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Vajra Asana: Technique Steps, Health Benefits & Precaution in English

This asana is called Veera Asana too. The body becomes strong and powerful like Vajra (a weapon) in this asana, so it is called Vajra Asana. This asana is very important asana in Hathayoga because the practice of this asana develops spiritual power. Male and female both can do the practice of this asana for a long time easily. Practice of this asana can be done after eating food too. According to Gheranda saint, the person, who does the practice of this asana, becomes strong and powerful. It is also useful in awakening the Kundilini power of the person.
Spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and sit upon it in normal position for the practice of this asana. Now bend your right leg from the knee and put under the right hip. Touch heel to the body and keep the tiptoe upward.

Spread a mat or bed sheet on the floor and sit upon it in normal position for the practice of this asana. Now bend your right leg from the knee and put under the right hip. Touch heel to the body and keep the tiptoe upward. Keep the part from knee to feet’s fingers on the floor. After that, bend your left leg from the knee and touch to the left hip. Join both the knees and keep soles of the feet separate. Now stretch both hands and put on the knees and keep the weight of whole body on the heels and tiptoes and sit on them. Keep your waist, spinal cord and head straight and stretched. This asana is called Vajra Asana. After coming in this position, concentrate on the front part of the nose and take breath normally and fluff the chest. Stay in this position for 10-15 minutes.

The person should be careful concentrating in Mooladhar Chakra and inhaling.

The practice of this asana makes the body strong and it is useful in increasing the age, memory power and eyesight. This asana provides strength to the tiptoes, knees, calves, thighs, waist and spinal cord. It ends insomnia and makes the mind constant. It provides relief in pain of the waist, back and sciatica. The practice of this asana saves from rheumatism. The practice of this asana for five minutes after having food, the effect of the nerves becomes in the upward direction. It makes the digestive strong and helps in the digestion of the food because of which the juice of corn becomes so pure that the whole body becomes strong like Vajra along with bones and nerves. There is a beneficial effect of this asana on the navel (which is the center of 72000 nerves).
The disturbance of intestines disappears because of falling pressure on the intestines of the stomach. It ends gas disorders and pain of the stomach.
A person remains far from grey hair by combing hair after sitting in this asana in young age. Jaundice is cured by this asana. It keeps the blood circulation normal and makes the body beautiful and diseases free. All types of menses disorders disappear by this asana.
The practice of Pranayama in Vajra Asana is helpful in digesting the meal easily. A person gets rid of breathing problems, lungs and chest disorders by doing pranayam after sitting in Vajra Asana. This asana increases the erection power of the penis by which possibilities of the awakening of kundilini power get increased. It ends sexual lust from the mind and brings the mind towards the celibacy.


  1. The serotonin (5-HT) is a neurotransmitter that is derived from an amino acid called tryptophan . Send messages within the brain and through the nervous system, and participate in many processes such as regulating mood or appetite. In addition, one of its main tasks is to increase the production of melatonin , a hormone that regulates sleep cycles .

    To achieve a peaceful rest, serotonin also intervenes in the control of stress and body temperature . “The practice of yoga increases serotonin levels so it helps you sleep better,” explains Dr. Murali Doraiswam, author of a Duke University study that included the review of more than 100 research papers on yoga

  2. Moving and stretching in new ways will help you be more flexible, providing greater range of motion to narrow areas. Over time, you can expect to gain flexibility in the hamstrings, back, shoulders and hips.

  3. Moving and stretching in new ways will help you be more flexible, providing greater range of motion to narrow areas. Over time, you can expect to gain flexibility in the hamstrings, back, shoulders and hips.
